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In Africa 今こそアフリカ


(English below)











豊かな生物多様性は、私たちのいのちの根っこ (以前のブログ:コンパス)。










– by Satoko Ekberg, One Planet Café 2023-01-30



Africas time is now!

Our Green Factory in rural Zambia

For the first time in 3 years, we will resume our Sustainability Study Tours in Zambia! An important keyword is “Africas time is now.” 

Africas population has reached 1,4 billion with more than 60% being under the age of 25.

Ironically, over the past three years I have felt that the world is deeply connected through corona. And tackling the solution as a global issue is crucial.

As Japan gradually opens up and the number of people traveling abroad increases, I hope that many people will be able to reconnect with the rest of the world via Africa.

Zambia is called “Real Africa”.  It’s a country with a wide range of untouched nature and wild animals.

The area where our banana paper factory is located is called South Luangua. Nearby is South Lungwa National Park – the world’s first sustainable national park (UN 2017). It’s home to wild giraffes, lions, elephants, hippos and other fantastic wildlife.

We took this photo in South Luangwa National Park. The leopards stomach is swollen, so I’m sure it’s just been having a meal…

A rich biodiversity is the basic conditions of our life (see our blog “The Compass“).

When you are in Zambia, you can really feel that all kinds of diverse life forms are connected – small Bees (pollunating plants into fruit) to Elephants (planting trees and contributing to the safari industry).

When I see a family of elephants crossing the Luangwa river, with the red sunset in the background, I sometimes fall into the illusion that I could be that elephant!

A photo we took in Zambia – just the right timing!

Sustainability is connected to the Earths “Circle of Life”. And nature shows us many tips and ideas on how to achieve “our homework” towards sustainability and the Global Goals (SDGs).

Unfortunately, there are a lot of news about divisions in society and between countries – news that weaken human ties. We hope you will visit and see for yourself the hope Africa can give. This exciting continent with its amazing wildlife that helps us connect to the Cycle of Life!

– by Satoko Ekberg, One Planet Café 2023-01-30

*SOURCE UN, Statista, World Economic Forum

Our Next Study Tour here!