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Target Finder Go to purchase page
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    Banana Paper

    Supporting people, elephants and climate

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    Sustainability in Reality

    Making sustainability real

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    Target Finder

    Target Finder Japanese Edition

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    Study Tours

    in Sweden

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    Study Tours

    in Zambia

  • english
  • english

Hope and Sustainability

Business of Hope and Sustainability

The world is undergoing major changes toward the achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) by 2030 and the creation of a sustainable future beyond that. Sustainability initiatives are no longer an obligation for companies and organizations, but an exciting theme that enhances corporate strength and creates new business opportunities. One Planet Cafe Inc. has many years of sustainability experience and operates in Japan, Sweden and Africa. Based on sustainability principles and Swedish success stories, we support hopeful sustainable businesses that can connect with the world's people and creatures with the planet's worth of resources. In 2016, we obtained Fairtrade Certification (WFTO), and in 2020, we were recognized as one of the 15 companies that are working on SDGs by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

Our Service

We are engaged in three businesses.

Lectures & HandsOn

Lectures, Training, Hands-on

In order to deepen understanding of the rules (principles) that are the essence of sustainability, students will acquire the ability to apply and take action. Lectures and training by globally active lecturers cover topics such as basic understanding of SDGs and sustainability, introduction of new businesses and innovations that grow from the perspective of sustainability, and secrets of initiatives that produce results. We will also introduce many specific initiatives of Sweden, which leads the world.

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Study Tours

Inspection Tour

"It will be one of the most important journeys in life!" (one participant's words) This is an inspection program where you can feel and experience sustainability firsthand. The sites of the visit were Sweden, which ranked first in the world in the SDGs international ranking for three consecutive years, and Zambia, where biodiversity and the real Africa is present.

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Banana Paper

Banana Paper

Changing the world with a piece of paper? While solving poverty problems in Africa, we will protect the endangered elephant and protect the forests. We are making paper that creates new value for the environment and society. Beautiful banana paper, created in collaboration with Japan's historic washi culture, is the first Fairtrade certified paper in Japan. In Zambia, Africa, we have green factories that utilize solar power and other technologies.

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SDGs 169 Target

SDGs 169 Targets

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to solve major environmental, social, and economic issues and realize a sustainable society by 2030. There are 17 goals and 169 detailed goals called "targets". View more


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