
Clean water to villages

Global Goals number 6 is about “Clean Water and Sanitation”

At the Green Factory, we dug wells with safe water that met the United Nations Standard (WHO). One hour before the start of the factory work and one hour after the end of the factory work is set as the time to freely draw water, which is open to the people in the surrounding villages.

About 500,000 liters of safe water are used in the village annually thanks to banana paper. The use of banana paper also helps to support the health of the people in these villages. Thank you, everyone!

Villagers draw water from this tap at our Green Factory every morning and evening

Boreholes in the villages are often shallow and salty, even drying up in the hot season

When boreholes dry up, people have no choice but to use neighboring villages, or dig for water in dried up rivers


Our borehole benefits hundreds of women, children and men
