
TV BSジャパン「地球VOCE」に出演

番組キャスター藤原紀香さんとOne Planet Cafeのバナナ名刺!


5月・6月に日本で開催される第5回アフリカ開発会議(TICAD V)に向けた1時間の「アフリカ特集番組」。藤原紀香さんはOne Planet Cafeのザンビア・バナナペーパーの利点について話してくださいました。

番組Web: http://www.bs-j.co.jp/official/chikyu-v/

On March 30, 2013, our unique Banana Paper “One Planet Paper (R)” – the Zambian-Japanese Banana Paper – was once again has introduced in a TV Program.
This time, on BS JAPAN broadcasting, with the caster Norika Fujiwara, and the Japan Ministy of Foreign Affairs as sponsors. The pogram was focsing on Africa and the upcomming “TICAD Japan-African Conference in Yokohama in May/June. Our Banana Paper was introduced as a good example of sustainable development in Africa, creating a high quality product, while helping to reduce poverty and evionmental problems at the same time.

WEB: http://www.bs-j.co.jp/official/chikyu-v/

