
Fair Trade verified

One Planet is a Fair Trade Company.

In 2016, One Planet Café has a sustainability license. In October 2016, we were certified by the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) and became the first paper producer in Japan to receive Fair Trade Certification.

What’s WFTO

This is a third-party certification label given to organizations that have cleared 10 guidelines and about 100 standards related to society, environment, and governance set by WFTO (World Fair Trade Organization) in all processes from raw material procurement to production. Indicates that standards such as proper working conditions, safe working environment, legitimate wages and payments, prohibition of child labor, promotion of understanding of fair trade, and consideration for the environment such as organic and green power are observed. It represents a product that solves poverty and environmental problems.

WFTO website


Paper and Fair Trade

Even in Japan, the opportunity to see fair trade coffee, chocolate, clothes, etc. is gradually increasing. A shift from fast food and fast fashion is expected. But what about “fast papers”? With over 1 million tonnes of paper used every day in the world, fair trade papers are still rarely found in the world.

In the world, about one-third of the forest area in Japan is lost every year, about 90% of the current paper is made from wood, and in developing countries many people use forest resources (fuel , Food, water, etc.), and that the forest is also home to many animals including endangered species such as tigers, elephants, orangutans, etc. It is important to keep going.


What can we do?

talk with your colleagues and friends about Fair Trade and Banana Paper

– try using tree free or eco labeled paper, like Banana Paper

See our Banana Paper products we’ve been producing in Japan and UK so far here (link).

