
Green Factory

Zambia’s Banana Paper Factory is a “green factory” that incorporates various environmentally friendly mechanisms.

We are implementing initiatives such as environmentally certified building materials, the use of solar power, sustainable materials, planting and organic gardens on site, bioclimatic buildings, biogas, and composting.

Our multipurpose room for dining, meetings and education of the Global Goals

Based on the philosophy of “One Planet Paper®,” a banana paper that reduces poverty and environmental problems, we aim to make not only paper but also factories good models. The green factory’s efforts (example) based on environmental consideration, fair trade, and sustainability are as follows:

Wild elephants, hippos and lions are not far away

  • Two trees for one
  • Green Energy — solar, biogas
  • Fair Trade rules — according to int’l criteria
  • Water Test — achieving WHO standards
  • No child labour
  • Local and sustainable materials — licensed wood & sand
  • Organic production — zero chemicals during production
  • Bioclimatic technology — adjusting to the sun & wind
  • Precaution principle — flood resistant buildings, drainage
  • Endangered species — not using wood from endangered trees
  • Circular materials — eco-cycle adjusted bamboo, grass etc
  • Recycle, Reuse — recycled bottles & bricks as material
  • Waterless toilets
  • African design
  • Green transport — bicycles provided to team members
  • Carbon Offset — delivery (domestic and international)
  • Health & Biodiversity education — to our team members

Team Members with the extracted banana fibers

The first fund raising was done by cloud funding (READYFOR) on the Internet to realize the goal of “Banana Paper Factory in Africa!” In the two months from March to May 2014, we achieved 137 supporters and 125% of the target amount. Thanks to the warm support of all the supporters, we were able to take the first step in building the factory. In addition to crowdfunding, we received support from companies and foundations.

Construction of the banana paper factory started in September 2014. Just like when I started banana fiber production in 2011, I started to take action for my big adventure and dream!

BEFORE — the land was deforested when we took over in 2014


AFTER — we are constantly regenerating the area having planted around 1000 trees and carefully constructed nature-adjusted buildings

Building in a world without blueprints, electricity, and water is unthinkable in developed countries. The banana paper factory was made with the carpenters in the village. Finding construction managers, site managers, carpenters, plasterers, etc. in villages where many people have never visited an elementary school and proceeding with construction based on the design and schedule was a continuous challenge every day.

Implementing solar panels that now powers two of our five buildings


Extracting the banana fibers


100% organic 100% fair trade production of banana paper at the Green Factory


Handmade banana paper

